Marco Ferreira

Artist | Programmer | Sound Designer

Blip - Breve Lapso de Interrupción Perceptiva

// Audiovisual and physical performance

In the face of the uncontrollable flow that drags us in our day-to-day lives in a world guided by the digital culture of speed, the possibility of dance arises as an exploration of alternatives to this prevailing order. The body, through dance, is established as a physical element that complements and opposes the virtual, proposing, through its imperfection, a subversion of measurement and the sequential order of events. This proposal seeks to explore error as a trigger for new possibilities of action, branching paths that leave behind linearity to develop in a more rhizomatic environment.

The research establishes a connection between dance and new media by employing them as mechanisms for transforming space and, to some extent, the reality that is made possible and perceived. In symbiosis with the body, audiovisual production creates a variable and interactive spatiotemporal framework. The development of a proposal is proposed that gives protagonism to the body as a catalyst for action, working around repetition and the variables that can be introduced to unleash a succession of events that breaks with the ordered and closed narrative sequence. Interactive audiovisual elements are linked to gesture, inhabiting time and carrying out a resignification of both time and space.

Sound and Visuals, Interaction Designer and Creative Director: Marco Ferreira/ Violeta López
Programmer: Marco Ferreira
Performer: Alberto Escartí